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PWA Kit —— A consultative PWA toolset

npm NPM npm node-current

PWA Kit is a smart toolset for Progressive Web Apps(PWA). PWA Kit CLI enable you to use PWA Kit in your terminal.



PWAs as a incredible member of the amazing web world are designed to be powerful, reliable, and installable web applications.

If you want to know more about PWA, please see Google’s official description. PWA Kit is built to make PWA generation more convenient and smart.

Any web page can be easily converted into a PWA if it has the basic elements such as manifest and Service Worker. The PWA Kit also provides detection tools to give your site a standardized review score (Powered by Lighthouse), and find what is still missing and what needs to be done to convert a web page into a PWA. At the same time, PWA Kit can also smartly generate these missing contents.


Installing PWA Kit CLI requires Node.js version 14.0.0 and above and NPM version higher than6.14.4.


Global Installation

npm install -g @dingos/pwa-kit-cli

Local Installation

npm install @dingos/pwa-kit-cli

Use the kit command to invoke PWA Kit CLI

If the PWA Kit CLI is locally installed and you want to use the kit command directly, you need to add the .bin subdirectory in the node_modules under the installed directory to the path of the environment variable. Alternatively, you can install npx, then run npx kit <command> in the directory where the PWA Kit CLI is installed to use the locally installed PWA Kit CLI.

Install a specific version

Example: Version 1.1.16

npm install -g @dingos/pwa-kit-cli@1.1.16


The command of PWA Kit CLI is as follows:

kit <command> [ <options> [optional options] ]

Supported commands are:

command description
gen Generate Service Worker, manifest
inject Inject Service Worker, manifest into HTML
create Create a Vue.js or React based PWA project
upload Upload the PWA to the preview environment
audit Detect Online PWAs

To check the PWA Kit CLI help manual:

kit --help


PWA Kit CLI Chinese document: link

PWA Kit CLI detailed documentation: link



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