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PWA Kit —— Consultative PWA toolset


The command of PWA Kit CLI is as follows:

kit <command> [ <options> [optional options] ]

Supported commands are::

command description
gen Generate Service Worker, manifest
inject Inject Service Worker, manifest into HTML
create Create a Vue.js or React based PWA project
upload Upload the PWA to the preview environment
audit Detect Online PWAs

Check out the PWA Kit CLI help manual:

kit --help

Commands in PWA Kit CLI support both interactive and one-off modes. When you are using kit create <project_path> [options] command to generate PWA, if none of the options are provided, PWA Kit CLI will promopt you for required items through interactive promptings, if some of the required options are filled in, then our interactive prompting interface will skip these provided options, and you only nedd to provide those unfilled options.


The command is as follows:

kit gen [options]
option required default description
-o, --out yes ./ The path of generate file
-t, --type yes none Choose to generate Service Worker, manifest, or both, optional values ​​include <all | manifest | serviceWorker>

manifest options

option required default description
-n, --name yes PWA Application The name field of the manifest
--short-name yes PWA APP The short_name field of the manifest
--display no standalone The display field of the manifest
-start, --start-url yes /index.html The start_url field of the manifest
--image yes A local or web image address, which is used to generate the icons field of the manifest. It is recommended to use an image with a size of 512x512 pixels and above
--background-color no #FFFFFF The background-color field of the manifest
--theme-color no #FFFFFF The theme_color of the manifest
--description no A pwa application The description field of the manifest
--scope no ’’ The scope field of the manifest

Service Worker templates

We currently don’t support generating Service Worker through options arguments but you can be set them through interactive promptings. Currently, 4 templates are supported. The detailed introduction is as follows:

template name description
OfflinePage This templete supports jump to an offline page named offline.html (which need to be created manually) when the network is disconnected.
OfflineCopyOfPages Each page your visitors viewed is cached that allows the visitor to reload any previously viewed page while offline and extends the offline capabilities of your app.
CacheFirstNetwork THis caches static resources using the CacheFirst strategy. When the cached resource does not exist, it will be obtained through the network
AdvancedCaching Use this service worker to improve the performance of your application and make it work offline. Advanced cache service workers allow you to configure files and routes to be cached in different ways (pre-cache, server-first, cache-first, etc.)


The inject command can inject Service Worker, manifest into your HTML files, so that your application can be quickly converted into a PWA. The command is as follows:

kit inject <html_path> [options]
option required default description
<html_path> no none The HTML path to be injected
--manifest-path no none The manifest path to be injected
--sw-path no none The Service Worker path to be injected


kit create is used to generate a PWA project. The arguments that can be set include manifest configuration items, Service Worker templates, and specified front-end frameworks, including Vue 2, Vue 3, ` React, using TypeScript` or not, etc. The command is as follows:

kit create <project_path> [options]
option required default description
<project_path> yes none The directory where the PWA project is generated, do not specify a non-empty directory
--template yes none The framework used by the front-end project, optional values ​​include <vue | react >
--vue-version yes(When template is vue) none It takes effect when template is vue. It is used to specify the version of the Vue framework. Optional values ​​include <2 | 3>
--typescript yes none Whether the project uses the TypeScript framework, optional values ​​include <true | false >
--installable yes none Whether the system automatically downloads the npm package that the project depends on. The optional values ​​include <true | false >
--web-url no none manifest, Service Worker can be obtained through a PWA site, the priority will be lower than the options above

manifest options and Service Worker templates are the same as the gen command

Please note that the front-end application is generated using the frameworks you chosen. So to start the project using Vue, use npm run serve and for React use npm start.


The upload command upload the PWA application to the preview environment we created where you can view the result of your PWA online.It takes about 2 hours for us to generate the preview.

The command is as follows:

kit upload <project_path>
option required default description
<project_path> yes none Upload the local PWA to the path address of the preview environment, note that there should be a unique index.html file in this path


PWA Kit CLI also integrates the detection ability of lighthouse for PWA, which can generate multi-directional detection reports. The command is as follows:

kit audit <url> [options]
option required default description
<url> yes none To detect the address link of the PWA app
-t --type yes text Choose the form of generated test reports. Return the test results directly or a page containing the test results. The optional values ​​include <text|web>

One-off mode

If you want to integrate PWA Kit Cli into your own application, you can embed PWA Kit Cli imperative commands into your code (provided you have PWA Kit Cli installed globally) , here we take the inject command as an example, the code example is as follows:

const execa = require("execa");

await execa(
  { stdio: "inherit" }